Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One Month Later....awaiting "Freedom"

Well, it's been one month. Believe it or not we have already had friends and family visit!
Perry's sister Tania was here for a quick visit. It was great to see her. We went out one night while Perry watched the kids. The city is even more beautiful at night!
Steven from Texas was also here on business and Chris and Vicki Toner (Canada)just happened to be here for their 10th wedding anniversary and of course came to visit. Lot's of goodies from home were brought along with each person...Thank You soooo much!
We took Griffin and Stella to the Paris Aquarium this past weekend. Griffin loved it,running and yelling "shish shish" at every tank.Baby Stella enjoyed it quietly looking around with wide eyes at all the over head water displays. Going to the aquarium made me realize yet again just how NOT stroller friendly Paris really is. The aquarium is underground, which of course means desending, yet no elevator! We had to carry the strollers down lots of stairs to get in and then again once we were in. Pretty crazy!
We have had to playdates with Moms I met in the group MESSAGE. It's a group for expats living in and around Paris. Both times we had a good time. I can see though that my wardrobe needs some fixing up. Next time I'll be sure to sport heels for the day, slippers I'm guessing are not so cool here. At least the kids look cute.I'll be hosting my first playdate at the end of the month.
"Freedom" is the name I have dubbed my new stroller.My prize Bumbleride is useless here, so here's hoping the Joovy Caboose Sit n' Stand is really what I hope it will be. A way for me to leave the house and not worry about when I will have to carry Griff back to the house while pushing the stroller!
I think I'll leave off with a funny story about, who else Griffin. Like Perry says to me almost everyday..."What did he do now?!"
I try to take Griff to the park most days.A few weeks ago, we stopped at the Eiffel on the way to the park. A street performer was there doing all sorts of fancy tricks with a soccer ball. Griffin loves playing with his soccer ball so we stopped to watch. The man was laying on the ground, legs in the air and running with the ball. A large crowd had stopped to watch. I would guess around 50 people or so. The people were tossing coins into a soccer ball that he cut the top off of. When he was done, he took a bow and the crowd started to applaud, Griffin included. Not sure what went through his little head, but he thought, game on! and ran past the people to hoof the ball full of coins!!I guess from way down low he couldn't see the ball was for money. The ball and coins went flying. Everyone laughed, well mostly everyone. Me and the guy were inwardly mad. I had to crawl around picking up sorry, so sorry, I say in my broken chinese accent I seem to use when trying to speak french...tres stupid!
I'm still not entirely sure how to work this whole blog thing...I'm sure it will pick up. Stay tuned.

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